Building Better Learners

Learning to read makes you a better learner in all areas! The human brain is not naturally "wired" to read like it is to speak. Learning how to read involves building a complicated network of connections in the brain. Reading can literally "rewire" your brain in the best way, creating new neural networks and strengthening white matter. This has amazing benefits for learning in EVERY area of life, whether as a child learning math and science in a classroom or as an adult learning critical on-the-job skills. Reading also helps kids develop important interpersonal skills.
There are a lot of moving parts to reading instruction, and some children have a harder time processing and building those critical connections. At Jill Abrams Tutoring, Inc., we are experts in growing lifelong readers, no matter the age or stage of our students. From phonics to comprehension to creation of their own writing, we've got your child covered when it comes to literacy.