Setting Your Child Up for Success in School

At Jill Abrams Tutoring, Inc. we want to help set your child up for success in the
classroom. Our tutors prepare our students with effective study habits, organizational skills,
and endless encouragement. That said, it is also important that there is school support in the
home as well. Students tend to have higher grades and more confidence when the support
system at home is also involved in their academic life. One aspect of this support can be as
simple as enforcing routines regarding bedtime, scheduling, dinner, and after school activities.
Parents and guardians have the freedom to also enhance their child’s learning in a creative and
fun way. For example, if your child is learning about measurements in school, then baking a
treat together could be a fun activity for both you and your child! You can also help your child
by modeling the routines of a lifelong learner by reading, writing, or learning something new