Summer Learning

At Jill Abrams Tutoring, Inc., we understand the importance a regular schedule is for a child’s development. Nevertheless, when summer comes around, our students’ schedules change and regular learning habits can fall to the wayside. It is important for kids that summer is reserved for rest, relaxation, active play, extracurricular activities, and family fun. In turn, it is important to find a happy balance between the importance of summer fun and incorporation of learning. Luckily, we understand that fun and learning are not mutually exclusive!
Jill Abrams Tutoring, Inc. is open for tutoring all summer, so your special student can keep up with their studies and sharpen their learning skills even though schools are closed. If you would like to incorporate other learning opportunities into your child’s summer, then try some of these other great ideas:
Take your child to a museum! Museum visits are both interactive and fun for learning.
Create a reading schedule and work in into your family’s summer routine.
Subscribe to a student news magazine (there are many available online), so your child can keep up with current events and work on their reading.
Take your child to the supermarket! This can spark conversations regarding food origins, nutrition, cooking, etc., and may lead to a fun activity with your child!
Let your child be creative! Art and science projects are great for incorporating fun, hands-on learning. There are many online sources or just ask one of our trained tutors!