Tutoring and Confidence

Students gain confidence when they attend tutoring sessions. While at tutoring, students are
given one-on-one support. Individualized support is important for students. This type of support allows
learning to go at the student’s pace and not the pace of the classroom. One-on-one tutoring also
provides time for the students to learn important skills and study habits. These new skills give students
more confidence to complete their work. Confidence not only makes students feel better about their
abilities in school, but it also helps them achieve more. When students have confidence in themselves
and in learning, learning can start to become more enjoyable.
At Jill Abrams Tutoring, our tutors make sure students feel confident in their work and abilities.
Tutors give each student the needed individualized support. This support is focused on the need of the
student. Study habits and skills are taught, and students walk away feeling more confident in